Beware Of The INTJ Death Stare: 9 Meanings Behind The INTJ Stare

智能,敏锐,逻辑和创新的- 这些都是描述INTJ personality type

The word “intense” also comes to mind.



因此,您如何知道您看到的是“ Intj Death Glare”之类的东西更无害


Read on to find out.

Why Are INTJs Intimidating?

You’ve heard the saying, “Watch out for the quiet ones,” but what does it really mean? What makes one person’s silence more intense than another’s?


  • Introspection makes INTJs more contemplative;
  • 内向的直觉means they’re often reflecting on impressions;
  • INTJ通常专注于意义,目的和“更大的图景”;
  • 以价值为中心的IND对认知失调特别敏感;
  • INTJs are averse to interactions that lack deeper meaning or complexity.


But “still waters run deep,” and there’s a lot more to an INTJ than meets the eye. Or the death stare.


The INTJ death stare doesn’t mean they wish death on anyone who happens to be in their field of vision. Chances are good that they’re not even looking at someone specific. And even when they are, it’s entirely possible their thoughts have nothing to do with that person.




Context is critical to an accurate interpretation of an INTJ death stare. It’s not always about you—but itmightbe about you. Who’s to say?

Read on to explore the different possible meanings. Some will resonate more than others.


The INTJ often gets lost in their own head. So, when you see that intense stare, it could just be an outward sign that they’ve switched their focus inward. Depending on the INTJ in question and their mood, this may not be a good time to engage them in conversation.

INTJs, as a rule, don’t like to be interrupted when they’re introspecting or processing something. And they’re more likely to be annoyed by trivial interruptions.


2. “This is my bored face.”


So if they’re stuck in a situation where they’re expected to fend for themselves while their ride is busy socializing, they’re likely to feel bored and to turn inward to escape their surroundings (as much as possible).

The exception, of course, is if they find someone there whose conversation they enjoy. The nature of that INTJ stare can change on a dime.

3. “This is my paying attention face. I’m interested.”

When an INTJ is interested in what you’re saying, the intense stare isa compliment, showing their rapt attention and curiosity.


但如果你是想藉的注意力, you’ve got it, now. And if you’ve managed to fascinate an INTJ, they’re likely to remember that and regard you with interest whenever they see you.


If the INTJ is staring blankly off into space, it could also mean they’re processing something they’ve experienced or something they’ve learned. They’re busy making connections in their mind to make sense of the new information.

这类似于“我在思考”的解释,但是这种解释往往涉及更多情感,INTJ宁愿notput on display for others to witness.

When they’re processing, they don’t want to be pressed into sharing what’s on their mind, but they do still appreciate it when someone cares.

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如果两个或更多的人卷入对国际贸易协定不感兴趣的讨论中 - 或者只是不会对他们的脑海中的噪音产生兴趣,那么空白的目光就是他们对中立的不言而喻的陈述。





他们可能还将外观与针对您的愤怒或附近的方便的物体相结合。但是他们的脸上的表情 - 这就是您的陪伴。



提防INTJ的失望外观 - 说:“我对您的期望更好”或“我真的以为您会支持我的。”这是一种枯萎的外观,但通常与财产损失或严重攻击配对。

It says everything the INTJ needs to say, though. That doesn’t mean they won’t add words that double the impact and leave you feeling like a steaming pile of yesterday’s lunch.

But they don’t have to.



It doesn’t mean they hate you or even that they’ll always see you as someone to judge. But you’ve done or said something that poked at their bubble. And they’re not amused.

9. “Whatyou?”


Behind the look is an active,好奇的头脑wanting to know the interesting person better. The look, in this case, could be a prelude to an introduction or an attempt to get closer.


Which of these possible meanings for the INTJ stare stood out as most familiar to you? And how will you respond the next time you see it?