
Most of us need reminders of howvaluableit is to make是自我保健的时间

If you’re here, maybe you need those reminders daily – because someone or something else always需要你的注意力。

Early on, the world trains us to put the urgent before the important.

而且自我保健还不够至关重要 - 直到它是。

If that sounds familiar, we’ve collected 31 self-care mantras to help you get back on track.

How and When to Use Affirmations for Self Care

You’re about to learn some new favorite mantras for self-care. And once you do, here are some ideas for making the most of them:

  • Turn a favorite mantra into a poster;
  • Make a self-carevision board使用一个或more affirmations;
  • 订购一个自定义杯子,并对您选择的自我保健肯定;
  • 将您的最爱添加到确认应用程序中;
  • 创建一个自我保健音乐播放列表用咒语as its title.

There are many creative ways to reinforce这些肯定,因此您更倾向于对它们采取行动。

We recommend you say them out loud (if possible) first thing in the morning to set the tone for the day and before you go to bed to plant them into your subconscious while you sleep.

31 Self-Care Affirmations to Treat Yourself with Love

Read through the positive self-care words to find the ones that resonate with you most.Write them down in your journalor put them in the notes on your iPhone, and set a reminder to use them every day.


Think of why you treat other people with compassion and take a moment to remind yourself that your life and your needs are just as important. And self-compassion is an indispensable prerequisite to compassion for others.

2. My body deserves good, healthy food, so I make that a priority.



你应得的取笑你的重要组成部分life. Everyone needs time out to simply enjoy being alive and pursue their personal interests. You have a right and even a need to do things that lighten your load.

4. I give myself permission to spend a little more time on personal hygiene.

Whether that means spending an extra few minutes in the shower to enjoy the water or putting more time into skincare (moisturizing, applying cosmetics, etc.), give yourself the personal attention only you can give yourself.


Committing to a long-term relationship with someone else when you can’t enjoy your own solitary company is a recipe for trouble. Give yourself a chance to find out who you are when no one else is around.


Everyone needs boundaries, and everyone has a right to have those boundaries respected by others. Practice saying no and standing up for yourself even when it feels “selfish,” simply because something in you needs that.


练习以小而有意义的动作和言语来爱自己。您不必从屋顶上大喊无条件地爱自己。Show yourself in the way you spend your time and in the way you talk to yourself.

8. I let go of habits holding me back and choose healthier ones.

We all pick up habits that, at some point, we realize haven’t been serving us. Once you identify your自我破坏习惯, give yourself permission to replace them with habits that set you free and help you come alive.


Anything worth doing is worth doing badly. So if things don’t turn out as you hoped, learn what you can from your mistakes and try again. Your timeline is your own.

10. I have a right to do whatever I want with my own hair.

您如何设计自己的头发是你如何表达自己。So what if someone—even someone whose opinion matters to you—doesn’t like the idea and tries to stop you. Sometimes, defiance is a gift.

11. I deserve to be more than someone’s princess or someone’s rock; I deserve to be wanted.

You have a right to want a partner who looks at you with all the kinds of love that belong to a loving,romantic relationship。您应该被看到您的人所爱。

12. I have every right to say no to something that makes me feel uncomfortable.

If something makes you feel used or undervalued, you have every right to say, “No.” And no one is allowed to force something on you that feels like a violation or reduces you to an object.

13. I honor my need for rest and refreshment.

Just as you honor those needs in others, listen to your body when it tells you it needs a break and a chance to do something relaxing or restorative, whether that’s sleep, playing music, or spending time with a favorite hobby.

14. I value my mental and emotional health.

You deserve to invest time and energy in your mental and emotional health and well-being. And daily self-care is essential to that.



You have a right to go after and receive the help you need to grow as a person or deal with the pain and grief that have been weighing you down. Needing doesn’t make you weak.

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Allowing yourself to cry and release pent-up emotions is healthier than trying to hold it all in for fear of being seen as weak or manipulative. Find someone who encourages you to cry when you need to.

17. I take regular breaks to improve my energy levels and focus.


18. I love and accept my body, and I give it the rest, exercise, and nourishment it needs.





Self-care is an everyday thing. Because, like everyone else, you have a body, mind, and soul that require daily nourishment. No one should make you feel guilty for prioritizing daily self-care.



22. I deserve to be at peace. I forgive myself as I forgive others.


23. I value my time and energy.


24. I have a right to say “No” to others and “Yes” to myself.





26. I make time for reading good books because they feed my mind and lift me up.

Make a reading list for yourself, drawing ideas from people whose taste in books you trust, and make time every day for reading, even if it’s only 15 minutes at a time.




Giving your body the rest it needs is something to be proud of. You’re not being “soft” or self-indulgent; you’re being smart. And your brain and the rest of your body will repay you for the investment.


You’re stronger than you think, even if that strength isn’t apparent to others. Andmaking self-care a daily priorityhelps you grow stronger in more than one way.



31. I deserve more than the bare minimum of love, respect, and connection.

You probably want more than the bare minimum for others, too. Everyone has both a need and a right to be loved unconditionally, treated with respect, and feel wholly and intimately connected with someone.

现在你已经查阅了所有31自我保健房颤firmations, which ones spoke most clearly to you? And which will you repeat to yourself today?