Top 46 Calming And Positive Affirmations For Anxiety

在情感上油炸。Your nervous system is officially on strike, and you feel awful. You’re taking deep breaths, hoping it will calm the storm.

But it’s not quite enough.


Ask yourself, “What is good for calming anxiety?” and it’s too easy to think of solutions that have nothing to do with the thoughts in your head.

Then, in your search for real help, you find this post on焦虑肯定, which are potent phrases that help reduce anxiety.


Do You Need Calming Affirmations?

Look up anxiety, and you’ll see plenty of reliable sources describing it as a normal response to stress. Fact is, anxiety能够sometimes be a good thing:

  • When it alerts you to danger in your immediate environment
  • 当它使用您的直觉来调整您检查某人
  • 当它帮助您密切关注周围环境时


  • 强调某人如何解释您的文本(他们尚未回应)
  • 每当他不见了,即使您知道他可以应付自己,他都会担心他的孩子
  • Living in fear that your boss will find your job performance lacking and fire you (even though he hasn’t fired the guy who didn’t show up for work twice last week).

It’s pointless torture, but those thoughts just keep coming, firing “What ifs” at you and making it impossible to focus on anything else. This is when positive affirmations for stress and anxiety can提供一些解脱and help bring you back to a state of inner equilibrium.



肯定是积极的陈述,重复时,可以帮助您改变自己的思维方式 - 并扩展您对压力的反应方式。

But do positive affirmations really work? Scientific studies — involving real people with real anxiety — would answer with a resounding “Yes!”

Dr. David Hanscom与焦虑症患有倦怠的身体症状的患者一起工作。

Rather than encourage them to write about their pain, he recommends positive affirmations to counteract and eventually replace the negative self-talk behind their physical symptoms.


  • Reduced stress or find more creative responses to it
  • Decrease in anxious thoughts and worries
  • 认知扭曲(灾难性等)的减少
  • More optimistic attitudes toward the future
  • 增加集中度,导致更多成功
  • 改进的信心和self-esteem
  • Enhanced relationships with others
  • 减轻疼痛和改善身体健康

Positive affirmations can make your brain stronger, happier, and more resilient.


Now that you know more about what they can do for you, enjoy this carefully curated list of positive mantras for anxiety. Keep track of your favorites, so you can start using them today.



3. I am safe. There is no imminent danger. I am watchful but calm.


5. This is for now, not forever. I can handle this.


7. I am right where I need to be.

8. I release the past. I forgive myself.

9. I inhale strength and calm confidence. I exhale anxiety and self-doubt.

10. I choose to feel calm, capable, and ready for anything.


12. I love who I am and choose thoughts that lead me forward.

13. I have all the energy and strength I need to deal with this moment.

14. I am relaxing each part of my body and releasing all negative thoughts.

15. I let go of what I can’t change and do my best with what I can.



18. I believe in my ability to get through this and learn from it.



21. Who I am and what I do matters.


23. My body and mind are calm. I exhale anxiety and inhale quiet, peaceful energy.

24. I am worthy of love and of all good things.


26. Calmness washes over me with every deep breath I take.

27. imeditateeasily without resistance or anxiety.

28. Being calm and relaxed energizes my whole being.

29. All the muscles in my body are releasing and relaxing.

30. Allnegativity压力正在从我的身体和思想中蒸发。

31. I breathe in relaxation. I breathe out stress.

32. Even when there is chaos around me, I remain calm and centered.

33. I transcend stress of any kind. I live in peace.

34. I gently and easily return to the present moment.

35. All is well in my world. I am calm, happy, and content.

36. My world is a peaceful, loving, and joy-filled place to live.


38. I surround myself with peaceful people.

39. My work environment is calm and peaceful.

40. I breathe in peace, I breathe out chaos and disorder.

41. My home is a peaceful sanctuary where I feel safe and happy.








  • 使用类似的应用思想或者独特的日常肯定支持您的新习惯。
  • 写一个最喜欢的肯定,您每天都会看到它 - 早晨至晚上。
  • 练习正念冥想,同时重复最喜欢的肯定。
  • Keep a daily journal with morning and evening affirmations.
  • 在重复确认的同时,设定时间将您的空间整理成整理。
  • 播放音乐,使您平静或激发您的精力,同时重复您的脑海。
  • 练习正念呼吸,同时重复简短的积极口头禅。

How will you use these calming affirmations?

现在你知道如何积极的肯定能够help you with your anxiety and make your brain stronger and more resilient, which ones made it to your list of favorites?

