
You met someone you like, and you’ve gone out a few times.

You always have a great time and might even look forward to seeing them again.

但你发现自己想。”Are we在恋爱关系中或约会?”



The good news is, it doesn’t have to be!


There isn’t a straightforward answer to this question. It depends on many things.

You can be dating and not be in a relationship, just as you can be in a relationship and still be dating. If that’s as clear as mud, here are some general things to consider:

  • Dating is a time to explore your options and get to know each other better.
  • 关系表明你们彼此了解得足够多,以至于希望继续看到他们。
  • Dating is for figuring out if you want to pursue something further with that person.
  • 关系mean you already know you’re interested and want to see if you have a real future together.
  • 约会往往充满不确定性和尴尬。
  • 人际关系更舒适,使您感到安全。
  • Dating tends to be exciting and sometimes confusing.
  • 关系can also be confusing, but your nerves have calmed down.
  • There’s a lot of curiosity in dating as you learn about the other person.
  • In a relationship, you’re still learning about them, but you know enough that you’re interested in seeing them exclusively.
  • Even if you have sex, intimacy in dating is more surface level.
  • Intimacy in relationships involves a deeper level of closeness and connection.

Dating vs. Relationship: 17 Must-Know Differences


Here are some common differences between dating and being in a relationship.



  • 您是否感到自在吗?
  • 您是否能够摇摆汗水和T恤,而不是感觉自己需要打扮以给人留下深刻的印象吗?
  • 您可以吃自己想要的东西,无论您想要多大,而不必担心他们是否在判断您?

You might be in a relationship if you’re past the awkward phase that often comes when two people start dating and can be your authentic self. On the other hand, if you still feel the need to filter yourself, you’re likely still in the dating stage.

2. On or Off The Market



young couple having a coffee date dating vs. relationship

If the former is true, you’re clearly dating. If you consider yourself off the market, on the other hand, that’s a sign you’re in a relationship. Or at least heading for one.

3. Your Exclusivity

You can take exclusivity in a couple of different ways.


Consider whether either of you is dating others or if you both reserve your weekends for each other.


4. Your Social Priorities

When dating, you tend to put your friends, family, and self first.

You might make time for each other, but you’re more independent and decide what and when to do as well as who you do it with without thinking very much or at all about the other person.





You’re dating if you’ve been on just a couple of dates over a few weeks. While it’s certainly possible to date someone long-term without making it official, it’s less common.

一旦你已经出去几个月,你或e safer to assume you’ve officially entered the关系阶段.


爱。喜欢。情欲。这么多“ L”单词。




7. Level of Mutual Support




If they are one of your go-to’s, though, and you can count on them to listen to and care about what you’re going through, maybe even provide helpful advice, that’s likely a relationship.

8. Expectations of Each Other


  • 您是否希望他们为您腾出时间并在您需要时出现,并且他们期望您也一样?
  • Do you let them know when you’re going out of town with your friends?
  • Do you consult them when making plans for the weekend?

Answering yes indicates a relationship status. If you don’t expect each other to show up for important events or decisions, you’re dating.

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9. “I” and “Me” or “We” and “Us”

Consider the pronouns you use when you refer to them. If you think in terms of “I” and “me,” you might not yet consider them a part of your world. You’re still separate individuals and obviously always will be, but you don’t think in terms of a unit.



How you introduce or refer to each other is a good indicator of whether you are dating or in a relationship.

If you tell people about the ‘person you are seeing’ and avoid labeling them as your boyfriend or girlfriend, for example, that’s dating, not a relationship.

If you do call him or her your boyfriend or girlfriend when you introduce them to friends and family, however, consider yourself in a relationship.

11. The Social Aspect


It’s not a surefire sign by any means, but having met some significant people in their life suggests relationship status. If you’re not there yet and you still keep each other from your friends and family, it sounds like you’re dating.

12. The Trust Factor

关系are built on trust, loyalty, and sincerity. You both set boundaries and expectations and put effort into maintaining them.



13. The Intensity of Your Emotions



When you’re in a relationship, your feelings are more evolved. You’ve moved past the awkward phase. You’re more attached. You feel close and connected, even if it’s not quite love, and there’s a strong attraction to the other.

14. How You Communicate

The frequency and content of your communication can tell you whether you’re simply dating or are in a relationship.

sweet couple hugging by the beach dating vs. relationship

If you text, talk, or see each other every day or nearly every day, that indicates a relationship. However, going days or weeks without communication suggests that you’re dating.

You should also consider the type of things you discuss. Are your conversations very surface level? Or do you open up to each other about the things going on in your lives?

15. Your Relationship Stability

How committed are you both to making things work? A relationship means you can count on the other person. You make compromises and sacrifices for each other. There also tends to be less doubt about your feelings for each other.


Dating is less certain. You aren’t required to alter what or when you do things to appease the other person.

16. How You Might End Things

How you would end the relationship if you decided you didn’t want to be with them indicates your status.

When you’re dating, less discussion or explanation is needed than when you’re in a relationship.


如果您是正式的一对,打破它requires an in-person talk with more details on why you’re ending it.

17. You’ve Discussed It

Sure, you can get a feel for the status of what you are or aren’t by considering the explanations provided.

But the truth is that, while it can feel scary, the best way to know if you are dating or are in a relationship is to discuss it. Just be sure to approach the topic casually to avoid moving too quickly or scaring them off.

You both need to be on the same page either way.

Dating and being in a relationship can be confusing because no two sets of people are the same. Many factors play into your dating or relationship status.



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