Is The Universe Telling You This Is The One? 15 Signs You’re Meant To Be With Someone

You’re picking up unusual happenings —strange coincidences.

And you want to know if the universe is telling you something about a guy.

Because while he seems random, he doesn’t feel that way.


He’s like no one you’ve ever met or are ever likely to meet again.

The universecouldbe telling you, “Psst! This guy!”

It sounds a bitfar-fetched,说你的旧自我。

Your new self is moreopen-minded.

It’s seen things.

Let’s explore that.

When Will I Meet the Love of My Life?

Soulmate signs from the universe don’t really include an exact time and place for your meeting. But, then again, they don’t have to.

If you’re picking up signs that love is heading your way, it is essential to get yourself ready for it.

So, what can you do?

  • 创建一个日常工作,可以帮助您与新朋友在一起;
  • 每周或每天都在追求个人兴趣;
  • Spend time with people who love and support you;
  • Make time for nurturing yourself — body, mind, and soul;
  • Put yourself out there and take more risks.

You also need to be open to signs the universe wants you to let go of someone, especially if you’re experiencing doubts that the man you’re with is theright one for you.


15 Signs The Universe Wants You to Be with Someone

寻找以下迹象soulmate is about to enter your life.

There might be someone in your life right now, so pay attention to signs from the universe that he’s the one.

当爱来了,宇宙的一种方式让ting you know.






2. You’re pursuing the life you want.

即使这意味着留下或多或少安全的关系,您也会对自己的生活和前进的地方感到更加快乐。您已经满足了事实relationship, and you’re ready for the next chapter.

That means taking action every day to get closer to the life you want. And you’re all in. It doesn’t mean you won’t take time out to grieve what you thought you had.

You can grieve and still be a badass. And the universe has taken note.

3. You keep seeing specific number sequences.

Whether you believe in the significance of angel numbers, it’s still something you’ve noticed.

Maybe you keep seeing the number 11 — or 111/1:11 or 1111/11:11.

如果不发生这种情况,您会以随机或毫无意义的巧合将其写出。到了您至少想知道的地步,“这意味着什么吗?如果这样做了……what does it mean?

Think about your associations with those numbers or number sequences. And consider other evidence.

4. Your dreams have taken a romantic turn.

You’ve remembered more of your dreams, and they’ve had a moreromanticflavor lately. Maybe you see a specific person in them, or maybe not. Either way, the universe could be using your subconscious to lead you closer to someone.

Try keeping a dream journal handy by your bed. When you wake, grab it and jot down any dream details you remember before they evaporate. Or, if you prefer, simply enjoy them.

5. You see love everywhere you go.

You see it on your way to work, running errands, and scrolling through your news or social media feeds. It seems like everyone isfinding love或至少找到一个人不工作时与他们共度时光。

signs the universe wants you to be with someone


And you’re open to it. You’re ready for a love worth waiting for.




When you’re ready for the man you want, you trust, more than ever, that he’ll show up.

7. You’re not making the same mistakes in your personal life.

您已经学会了(艰难的方式)在恋爱关系中不做什么。您还了解了更多关于自己真正想要的东西 - 而不是您认为需要或应该想要的东西。

You’d rather be single than settle for someone who isn’t willing to make room for you. You’ve reached the point where you’re ready to choose happiness over certainty or security. You’re ready to choose your own company over a guy you don’t trust.

No man is worth leaving yourself at the altar.

8. You’re no longer afraid to be alone.

You trust that you can make a good life for yourself whether someone wants to share it with you or not. You’re open to a loving partner who’s willing to give as much as they get (and vice-versa), but you don’t feel desperate to find someone to avoid being alone.

You feel (rather than just know) that you are a complete person on your own, with or without a partner. So, you’re not going torush into any new relationship.

您就像自己一样爱自己 - 单身,蓬勃发展,学习和成长。


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So, it happened. You met someone you真的like. And that deep-level comfort happens far sooner than you expect. It’s as if you’ve known each other before. And you may have.

他感到熟悉和你比大多数p更真实eople. More and more, you find you prefer his company to anyone else’s. He’s so easy to talk to, be around, and laugh with.

It’s not that he’s perfect, but he’s got all the qualities you look for in a man — qualities you no longer consider optional.

10. You keep experiencing meaningful coincidences with or about him.

Meaningful coincidences are also called synchronicities. Ask yourself if any of the following have been happening lately:

  • The same song plays when you’re around this guy or when thinking about him;
  • The same numbers or number sequences are following you both;
  • You both happen to notice the same coincidences (repeated phrases, songs, etc.);
  • You keep meeting up with each other (unintentionally);
  • You pick up his scent or some other sensory information linked to him;
  • His face comes vividly to mind at random moments, and you smile;

Which of these love synchronicity signs have you been noticing? And what others come to mind?

11. You finally feel at peace with yourself.

You’ve forgiven the past, yourself, and thepeople who have hurt youor held you back.

They’re no longer part of your present. And the present is where you live, now.

You’ve let go of the baggage you’ve been carrying for far too long — the baggage that had you feeling desperate for someone to distract you from its weight. You don’t need that anymore. You’re free.

You feel lighter on the inside. And you将要soar, with or without a partner.

12. You feel their energy at random moments.

Out of the blue, you feel something of the energy you feel when you’re around him — a presence you recognize as something uniquely his.

也许有些东西使您想起了他,突然间,您感到精力充沛。您希望自己能一直感觉到它。每次您捡起它时,您都会感觉更好 - 更加平静,更自信,更有能力。

heart shaped leaf on ground signs the universe wants you to be with someone

Theuniverse may be telling youat this moment that he’s thinking of you. And the more you think of him, the more present he feels.

13. You understand exactly why past relationships didn’t work out.

You can now look at your past relationships and see why they ended the way they did.

For each one, you see things in your behavior and theirs that contributed to its downfall. You see why it was never going to work, no matter how badly you may have wanted it to.

The universe is helping you see those relationships with a clearer eye. You can see the red flags clearly, now.

And you’re more determined than ever to avoid them, even if it means remaining single.

14. Your gut is telling you this guy is special.


This guy seems to know what he wants and is willing to take risks to get closer to it while still respecting your boundaries. This is the guy you wish you’d met and fallen for years ago. But you weren’t ready for him then.

You are, now.

15. You now know what you want in a relationship.


You’ve both struggled with personal challenges and found your way to the word “recovering.” And you’re both still learning as you go. You’re both still open to the possibility you’ll meet someone you’ll want to spend the rest of your life with.


Signs the Universe Wants You to Be Single

Not feeling that love is around the corner? Look for the following signs the universe is gently nudging you toward single life — at least for now.

  • You jump from one relationship to the next— as if being alone with yourself or not being in a relationship is something to strenuously avoid;
  • You blame your exes for every failed relationship- 仅仅暗示您自己的行为也可能破坏了它;
  • Your friends and family are urging you to “take a break” from dating— because they see it, even if you don’t: you’re not ready;
  • 您急于“安顿下来”— maybe because you want kids or maybe to get your parents off your back, or just because you feel left behind.
  • 您已经降低了标准— lowering the bar doesn’t improve your odds of finding the kind of guy you dream of. In fact, it’s more likely to make it harder.

The universe is trying to tell you you need to work on your own happiness, apart from having a committed relationship with someone. Focus on developing a personal interest, or cultivate habits that help you create a life you can be proud of.

Only when you can be happy as a single person will you be ready to give up the single life for someone special.

Now that you’ve looked through all 15 signs the universe wants you to be with someone — along with the telltale signs that you’re better off staying single for the time being — we hope you found something worth journaling about.

After all, the more time you spend getting to know yourself, the sooner you can start building the life you want.

And ultimately, that’ll contribute a lot more to your happiness than being part of a couple.

What are the signs the universe wants you to be with someone? In this post, find out the signs that the world wants you to be together.


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