They Won’t Talk About It? 13 Reasons Never To Force Anyone To Talk When They Don’t Want To


没有它,我们人类将永远无法协调努力并建立 - 嗯,文明本身!

However, just asyou cannot force someone to love you,推动人们与您交谈也是有问题的。


But as an everyday,一般经验法则,强迫任何人做他们不想做的事情通常是无济于事的。



As the name suggests, a forced conversation is one you don’t want to have.

因为它会是你做的l, it may make you feel:

  • 不尊重
  • Awkward
  • 焦虑的
  • 不重要
  • Unloved

有时,当一个人有一个未亲密的浪漫的interest in the other party.

Other times, they can happen with a colleague, friend, or family member about a challenging or uncomfortable topic.

Should You Force Someone To Talk to You When You Really Need To Talk?


But compelling acquaintances, objects of your affection, or people you casually date to bear the burden of your personal challenges can be inappropriate. In those situations, it’s unacceptable to force someone to talk to you.

Not only does it create a cringe-worthy situation, but it has the power to diminish their opinion of you.


Communication is an art that involves analyzing several verbal and non-verbal cues. Part of the craft is determining when to broach certain topics and when you should let sleeping dogs lie.



Thankfully, taboos against mental health issues are slowly eroding, yet many people still feel uncomfortable opening up about their conditions and struggles.

If someone doesn’t want to speak with you, it could be because they’re working through something, and the last thing you want to do is overburden them with pestering. It’s unkind, and it could be detrimental to their health!

2. It Can Be Rude

Everyone isn’t for everyone. You don’t have to like every person who crosses your path, and they’re not obligated to like you!


Never force anyone to talk to you


3. It May Put the Other Person in a Bad Situation


What if they’re in a fraught relationship that they’re trying to end? What if their partner sees your communications and accuses them of cheating?

You never know what’s happening behind someone else’s curtain, so don’t push.


Unknown circumstances may prevent the person with whom you’re trying to speak from doing so.



Never force anyone to talk to you


5. The Conversation Won’t Be Satisfying to Either Party

强迫对话总是很尴尬和不舒服 - 无一例外!即使您设法让该人坐下来聊天,也有100%的机会不会有效的讨论。那为什么要打扰呢?

6. Time Is Precious

Life is finite. Time is precious.



Don’t force anyone to do anything.

Generally speaking, it’s a good rule. After all, do you appreciate it when people try to twist your arm? Besides, forcing anything engenders mistrust and apprehension, weakening the relationship.


Groveling and desperation are a turn-off, and people who do it sacrifice their reputations.

We probably could do some societal work on this front. Belittling, demeaning, or gossiping about people who are struggling is fundamentally unkind — but all too common; after all, people may be needy because they’re hurting.

But unfortunately, we’re not there yet. So when you try to force other people to do anything, they’lljudge you并且可能会因为它而严厉地对待您,最终侵蚀了您的自我价值感。

9.你不能强迫人们Love You

Understanding that you cannot force people to love you can be a hard lesson to learn, but it’s also one of the most important. It often goes hand-in-hand with discovering that infatuation不是爱- 也不是欲望。

It’s crushing when you like or care about someone, and they don’t feel the same way.

But the best way to get over it is to wallow with your friends and move on. Don’t reduce yourself to desperate clinging. The blunt and hard truth is that people will mock you for it.

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神秘是人生的伟大香料之一,尤其是在浪漫的relationships. It may sound counterintuitive, but people crave what they can’t have. Humans love a challenge.


11. It Can Be a Form of Emotional Abuse



12. You’re Not on the Same Page

When one person wants to engage in a specific conversation and the other person doesn’t, the two parties are not on the same page.

In such situations, it’s nearly impossible to change the other person’s mind, and rehashing the same points only entrenches the discord.

13. It Can Cause a Bigger Fight

If the forced conversation is about resolving a disagreement, talking it out when the other person isn’t ready almost always widens the divide.


What To Say to Someone Who Doesn’t Want To Talk To You?

What if you’re on the receiving end of a snub? What if you’re the person that people don’t want to speak with?

Never force anyone to talk to you

For starters, try not to internalize it. You may very well be in the right. But also refrain from causing a scene or getting overly emotional. Instead, consider saying:

  • “I didn’t realize I was disturbing you.”: This is a good way to make a graceful exit without apologizing. After all, you may have done nothing wrong.
  • ”I’m sorry; I don’t want to upset you, so I’ll leave.” If you have been overly forceful and genuinely feel remorse, it’s appropriate to apologize.
  • “我很失望你不想说话;希望我们可以在准备好后找到其他时间讨论事情。”当有一个真正的问题需要解决时,这种方法效果很好。
  • ”It hurts my feelings when you treat me this way, but I respect your position.” By taking this approach, you’re honoring both your feelings and theirs.
  • Don’t say anything. Just exit the situation, and if necessary, never look back.

Some Caveats About Forced Conversations

Advising people to“never force anyone to talk to you”是几个警告的全面概括。

As we mentioned above, it’s OK to put a little pressure on family and friends when you need help or want to clear the air about something. There’s nothing wrong with saying, “Hey, [Mom / Dad / Friend], I’d appreciate it if we could sit down and talk some things through.”

Constantly brushing issues under the carpet is not healthy, and it could ultimately ruin your relationship because problems fester in the dark.

此外,在各个层面上的进步 - 是克服挑战的过程,这样做总是涉及与其他人和我们自己的艰难对话。如果每个人都不断冲击并拒绝讨论不舒服的问题,那么增长将是不可能的。





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