
在过去的几个月中,我很幸运能够与我遇到过的最有趣,最有趣,最出色的教练之一合作。我无法到达他,所以我请蒂姆·布朗森(Tim Brownson)进行采访。


蒂姆是那个教练,还有更多。他经营个人发展博客,大胆的冒险,他有一个清单impressive credentials如果您想进一步了解他。

蒂姆(Tim)最近曾担任习惯课程的客座专家(我与Leo Babauta和Katie Tallo一起经营)。课程参与者与他教给他们的知识相关,以至于我知道我必须在这里与您分享一些蒂姆的智慧。





On the other hand most of the rest of your brain, especially the limbic system, which controls your emotions and habits, is very old and can easily run all day on auto-pilot, requiring little or no input from you at the conscious level.

Consequently, changing behavior requires effort and consciousness/正念because, without those two things, your brain starts to conserve energy and slips back into familiar patterns of behavior.




在七年的教练中,我从来没有一个客户告诉我,他们在殴打自己时的表现更好 - 从来没有!


Giving yourself a hard time shows a lack of personal responsibility because it demonstrates a lack of care for yourself. How responsible is it to beat yourself up, especially when you know it seldom changes behavior?

Taking personal responsibility means accepting your mistakes and learning from them without judging them and/or rehashing them in your mind again and again and again.

Being kind to yourself doesn’t mean being easy on yourself, so do it!


蒂姆:Values define who you are, they define what you do and they define your life. Therefore, if you don’t know what your core values are, you don’t truly know yourself.


如果“家庭”是您的头号价值,那么您每周都不应该工作100个小时 - 无论您如何根据需要为您的儿童大学基金来构图或为配偶支付假期。



On the other hand, being in alignment with your values feels a lot like the flow state (although technically speaking I realize it’s not the same), and life seems easy and much more enjoyable.



蒂姆:They help you define exactly what success means to you. This springs directly out of knowing your values, because it’s tricky to define what success looks like to you without knowing your values.





You teach your coaching clients many interesting techniques for taking control of their thoughts and behaviors in order to make positive change. Can you share one of those with us?

蒂姆:Reframing is probably the single best technique I know for allowing you to rapidly improve the quality of your life.


When a reporter once asked Thomas Edison how it felt to have failed 10,000 times before creating the light bulb, he responded by saying, “I didn’t fail, I just found 10,000 ways that didn’t work.”


A client canceling at the last minute can be a bummer for me, but I always reframe it as an opportunity to do some writing, clear up some admin, or even take the dogs for a walk.

居住在负面方面很容易 - 任何人都可以做到这一点。但是,当您采用相反的方法时,感觉会好多了。

In fact, reframing has now been proven using MRI’s and PET scans to change the physiology of the brain, in a good way.


Goal setting isn’t hard, in fact you or I could teach our readers how to set goals in under an hour.


Specific: Too many people have vague goals, and vague goals are seldom achieved they need to be nailed on.

可衡量:If you can’t measure it, you can’t track your progress, and you can never know where you are in relation to hitting your target.


实际的:I’m not ever so keen on this because I like unrealistic goals. So to me this just means make sure your goal is physically possible.

时间限制:Your end date can (and often should) be flexible, but you still have to have one. Otherwise your goals will slip because next week, next month, next year will always do.


“ E”代表“生态学”或“环境”。我的意思是,您应该认识到您的目标追求对周围人的影响。如果您有四个孩子,一个配偶和巨大的抵押贷款,那么在世界各地背包旅行的目标两年可能不会飞。

The “R” part means “Reward” — in other words, what’s in it for you when you hit your goal?


如果/当事情变得艰难,你focu转变s to the reward and the reason why you’re doing whatever it is you’re doing. That’s going to motivate you to dig deeper.



蒂姆:Have fun and smile . . . a lot!

约翰·列侬(John Lennon)曾经说过:“当人们制定其他计划时,生活就是这样。”他是对的。


因此,不要过分地认真对待生活,只要有可能,请微笑,并对自己和他人保持友善。引用另一个死去的摇滚明星吉姆·莫里森(Jim Morrison):“这里没有人活着。”


蒂姆·布朗森is a Life Coach, NLP Master Practitioner and published author who specializes in unsticking people. He also owns the大胆的冒险博客where he doesn’t take life too seriously and isn’t afraid to call a spade a spade.


  1. 感谢巴里的采访,并感谢蒂姆的这些教练掘金。重新制定似乎是一个不错的起点。但这有时可能很困难……头脑回到同一旧框架,有时新框架似乎不适合。我想需要练习。

  2. 始终欣赏并享受蒂姆的博客和智慧!And humor – he’s like the David Letterman of life coaching (minus the goofy hair and New York nightly studio broadcast to millions of people around the world) One of his skills is his ability to take extremely boring or complex concepts and apply it to people’s lives in a humorous way.



  3. Thanks a lot Vishnu I really appreciate the kind words mate!


  4. 很棒的采访巴里。

    If it wasn’t for Tim Brownson, I would probably still be in my comfortable, well paid, 9-5 job, staring at a computer screen all day.


    I’m broke, scared, and I’m still staring at a computer screen all day but at least I can talk to the cat when I’m lonely!

    Seriously though, it was one comment from Tim that changed how I thought about my life a couple of years ago and snapped me out of my ‘analysis paralysis’. It sounds so simple and obvious but it was exactly what I needed to hear at the time:




    p.s. one of my top 5 values was ‘freedom’.

    • Appreciate the kind words mate, thanks.


  5. 这是一个很好的面试,我就一定要莎尔e it around as it succinctly describes all the good stuff I got out of my own coaching sessions with Tim. The single most important work we did together was to identify my values and anti-values. This helped me to understand how they could be my rock when making important decisions or working out why I didn’t feel quite right or was down right angry and frustrated with certain situations. I now understand why I get that flutter in the gut when I’m out of sync with my values or what I am facing is in conflict with those values. And reframing – great way to explain it as I’ve always looked on the positive side and suffered at times to Pollyanna criticism, by suggestions that to look to the positive in a definitely unfair situation is a sign of weakness. Now I know I’m on the side of right! What is right for me. Great read, and Tim you deserve the Super title. Barrie, I’m looking forward to getting to know you better via your blog.

  6. This is a great interview. I’ll be sure to share it around as it succinctly describes all the good stuff I got out of my own coaching sessions with Tim. The most important work we did together was on my values and anti-values. They are now my rock in making important decisions or understanding why I feel out of sync or frustrated or angry with a situation, it is because what is happening is in conflict with my values. And reframing – thanks for the explanation. I naturally look on the positive side of situations and that has attracted Pollyanna criticism some of the time, or a suggestion that it is weak to see positive in what may definitely be an unfair situation. I now know I am on the side of right! What is right for me! You deserve that Super title, Tim. And Barrie, thank you for the opportunity to meet you via this interview, I hope to get to know you better via your blog.



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