











          1.今天早上我醒来看到你可爱的脸意识到尽管有那么多痛苦和悲伤凝望着你,我的心澎湃,我的灵魂歌唱。我能在你困倦的微笑中醒来吗?2.如果你每天在我身边醒来,我不确定我是否需要阳光或阳光。让我们忘掉时间,在床上躺一会儿。你有我需要的光和热,让我微笑。3.早上好,我最爱的夜猫子。我知道你要过一段时间才会醒来,但我希望你知道,你睡得像在阳光下一样美丽。4. You’re my favorite part of each new day. I wake up beside you, and you’re always here, And that’s all you have to be to make it clear, How much我爱你希望你能永远留下。5.这不是我第一次醒来看到你用甜蜜的眼神看着我了。我无法想象有什么比知道我爱你,你也爱我更幸福和崇高的事了。6.我本来不太确定要不要和你同住一间卧室,但你让我好奇得想试试,现在我不能再一个人睡了。你对我做了什么,让我买了它?7.没人能像你一样看到我或了解我。我无法告诉你,当我知道真正懂我的人永远是你时,我有多欣慰,我们的爱似乎每一天都在增长。8.和你一起醒来是件小事。但你不知道,亲爱的,最小的事情也能让你想做什么。哦亲爱的。 9. The sun was trying To sneak in through the window and stare at you, But I closed the curtain to shut it out So you could lie here in the dark with me a while longer.


10.我想你知道我在想什么清晨见到你的那一刻。把我们单独放在一个房间里,我们知道我们的衣服会变成什么样子。它毫无征兆地向我们袭来。11.当你和我在一起的时候,夜晚是如此平静。当太阳从清晨的天空升起,你留给我的是萤火虫和星尘的味道在我的眼里。早上好,我的挚爱。我想知道你是否知道像你的一个拥抱这样纯洁的东西对我的意义——每一次。13. For a long time, I thought that was it. That was all you felt for me—innocent love and trust. If I’d known my heart wasn’t the only one at risk, I would have told you sooner. 14. I never thought I was good at being浪漫的但你让我更容易开口,即使这首诗不是抑扬格的,我明天会比今天更爱你。15.我今早本来想看书的,但躺在你旁边太让人分心了。所以,现在我看着你,记下我的想法,不是所有的都是诗意的——但都是完全真实的。等你醒来,我念给你听。如果你觉得我应该给你看,我可以给你看。16.每天晚上,每天早上,每时每刻都在梦见你,这是我一直在做的事,而且我不可能停止。但我们在一起的时候会更有趣。17. You deserve the best of everything. So you being here with me this morning Will never not surprise me. But for as long as you love me, I’ll shut up about that—and savor every moment.






18.早上好,我亲爱的妻子。请过来,蜷在你最喜欢的椅子上。当我亲吻你的脖子,在你的头发上放上一些花,也许在我们开始新的一天之前,我会更多地告诉你,你是我生命中的画布。19.浴室是你的,别介意我在你洗澡的时候进去。我一直都很有效率。20.早上好,亲爱的妻子。我似乎无法摆脱你的纠缠今天早上也起不了床。 So, I’ve decided not to. 21. Every morning, I think I couldn’t possibly Love you more—and then You wake up and prove me wrong again. 22. I wake up remembering How lucky I am to be loved by you. Not everyone gets to live with the person They love most in the world. You’re my favorite miracle. 23. I blame you completely and with fair warning For the inviting smile upon my face this morning. You put it there and lit the fire behind it, it’s true. And it burns even hotter when I think of you. 24. I wonder if you know Just how much I love introducing you As my wife. Or the pride I feel to be with you. I feel it more when I see your face in the morning. You’ve changed everything for better in my life.


25.我会习惯的,醒来看到你。但另一方面,现在下床就难多了。所以,我一直在写这篇文章,直到你醒来,在我的时间里给我一些更好的事情。26.婚姻给我带来了很多限制,不适合我。但和你在一起,我是自由选择的——但不是因为这是“正确的事情”。这并不是因为我们渴望或需要它。而是因为我们的心已经决定了。27. I’m all yours This morning and always. You’ve got my full attention whenever you want it. 28. God, how I love you! You’re everything I want in this world. And every morning, I when wake up to you, It sets me up for the day, my dearest girl. 29. You have no idea How hard it is to look at you and Not want to kiss you. 30. Before you, I always thought the words, “Good morning” Were more an obligation than a wish. But with you, it’s effortless. Because every morning with you is bliss. 31. I’ll use any excuse To see you, to write to you, to call you up. It’s not that I don’t want you to have a life Apart from me; But every time we connect—from morning to nighttime again— I feel more alive and more myself than ever.
