27有毒母亲行情That Show How Mom Can Mess You Up

If you spend any holidays with atoxic mother,标志时刻不是常态。

But, contrary to what others may be telling you, you don’t have to sacrifice your mental health to accommodate someone’s toxicity just because “she’s still your mother.”

While a collection of有毒的妈妈行情might not give you the warm fuzzies, we’re hoping they’ll remind you of your right to protect yourself—even from family.


正如您从bad motherquotes further down, toxic parenting takes a severe toll on your relationships and your ability to trust.

For those who struggle with the lingering effects of a toxic mother, the following should sound familiar:

  • 她经常undermining your confidence受到批评或微弱的赞美;
  • 她拒绝对自己有害的言语和行为负责;
  • 她希望您能为她放弃一切,但她不会为您做同样的事情。
  • Sheuses guilt to manipulate youinto doing whatwants;
  • 她经常(不利地)将您与兄弟姐妹或其他人进行比较。
  • Shegaslights youto instill doubt in your perception of reality and yourself;
  • 如果她知道您的触发因素,她会毫不犹豫地将它们对付给您。


It’s one thing to recognize toxic parenting for what it is—and that’s a triumph in itself. It’s another thing to deal with it in a way that sets you free to heal and live as you want.

We’re rooting for you. The following tips can get you closer to a life ofyourchoosing:

  • Set and enforce clear boundaries;
  • Make yourself less accessible—or, if necessary, completelyin无障碍;
  • 使用日记并写下你的感受;
  • Talk to a therapist who can help you process what you’ve been through;
  • Surround yourself with people who love and support you unconditionally;

No, you’re not overreacting or “being a control freak” or “drama queen” by doing any of the above. Here’s why theabusive mother下面列出的行情可以帮助您将自己母亲的行为置于perspective.


27有毒母亲行情That Are So Relatable


1.“当爱不再被送达时,您必须学会从桌子上起床。”- 妮娜·西蒙妮(Nina Simone)

2.“如果您必须父母你的妈妈and put up with her childish and selfish behaviors, it may be time to create more serious boundaries for your own self-protection.” — Barrie Davenport

3.“如果有人对您设定边界生气,请考虑一个好迹象表明边界是必要的。”- 珍娜·科夫(Jenna Korf)

4.“没有沟通,就没有关系;没有尊重,就没有爱。没有信任,就没有理由继续。”- 未知

5. “Just because someone gives you life doesn’t mean they will love you in the right way.” — Unknown

6. “Family is supposed to be our safest haven. Very often, it’s the place we find the deepest heartache.” — Lyanla Vansant

7.“孩子永远不应该觉得自己需要赢得母亲的爱。”- 谢里·坎贝尔(Sherrie Campbell)

8.“如何判断某人是否对您不利?你自己感觉就像是背叛。”- 未知

9.“有毒的母亲会说话,但从未听过,她提供了建议,但从未接受。”- 谢里·坎贝尔(Sherrie Campbell)

10.“有时您需要放弃人,不是因为您不在乎,而是因为他们不在乎。”- 未知

11. “Let’s get out of the habit of telling people, ‘that’s still your mom, your dad, or your sister.’ Toxic is toxic. You are allowed to walk away from people who constantly hurt you.” — @bynnada

12.“您每天都会想念一个人,仍然很高兴他们不再是您的生活。”- 塔拉·韦斯特弗(Tara Westover)

13. “You don’t have to repeat the trauma of your childhood. Use the pain your mother inflicted on you to motivate you to find a better way to raise your own children.” — Barrie Davenport

14. “One day, you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through, and it will be someone else’s survival guide.” — Brené Brown

15.“如果您将我推开,我向您保证,您不会在离开我的地方找到我。我的心很大,但还不够大,无法与那些在方便他们方便时决定爱我的人打交道。”- 基努·里夫斯(Keanu Reeves)

16. “Toxic people condition you to believe the problem isn’t the abuse itself, but ins tead your reactions to their abuse.” — Unknown


How to Deal With A Covert Narcissist Mother


13 Heartbreaking Signs Of A Toxic Relationship

17.“当有毒的人无法再控制您时,他们将尝试控制别人如何看待您。错误的信息会感到不公平,但要保持在其上方,相信其他人最终会像您一样看到真相。”- 吉尔·布莱克威(Jill Blakeway)

18. “Now, every time I witness a strong person, I want to know: What dark did you conquer in your story? Mountains do not rise without earthquakes.” — Katherine MacKenett

19. “I didn’t grow up having role models. I grew up having people I didn’t want to be like and seeing situations I’d never want to be in. Not all of us are dealt the right cards, but that doesn’t mean you can’t reshuffle your deck for a better outcome.” — Irina Vujakilja

20. “Beware the person who stabs you and then tells the world they’re the one who’s bleeding.” — Jill Blakeway

21. “I sat with my anger long enough, until she told me her real name was grief.” — Unknown

22. “Sometimes the best reason to let go of a toxic or abusive relationship is because your child is watching.” — Chris Sain, Jr.

23.“为您的自恋母亲感到抱歉,一定要。但是知道您有权从安全的距离为她感到难过。”- Danu Morrigan

24.“走开可能会很痛苦,但这永远不会与留下来的痛苦相提并论。不要让fear of being alone keep you in a relationship你一个人在哪里。”- 未知

25. “When someone says, ‘After all I’ve done for you…’ they are revealing that what they did for you was not for you at all, but for their own need to control you. Their generosity was just a contract with hidden terms of compliance. Breach that contract, and you become the problem.” — Wade Mullen

26. “It is both tragic and freeing to accept that your mother is not capable of being the mother you always needed her to be.” — Stephi Wagner

27.“我们的母亲告诉我们,我们的床下没有怪物,也没有藏在我们的壁橱里,但是他们没有警告我们,有时候,怪物会像那些声称爱你的人一样,比太阳爱人更爱你。”- 尼基塔·吉尔(Nikita Gill)



What will you do today to help yourself heal?