When Life Feels Like A Hot Mess, Remember These 75 Reasons Everything Will Be Okay

这是您脑海中的问题,尤其是当您感到不知所措时negative experiences不祥的新闻报道:“我会好吗?”

You’ve only got so much headspace and energy to work with.

You can’t be the world’s fixer.

You can’t even control everything that happens inyourlife, and that’s scary.

Sometimes, things happen that leave you感觉受伤了, bleeding, and in need of a break.

You want to know: Will it be okay?


We know you can’t see the future, and neither can we.

So, how do you know everything will be okay?

You don’t.

All you really have to work with is now.

Whether your present actions positively impact the future is more amatter of trustthan of knowing.

You could do everything right, and it could still blow up in your face. And sometimes, you do everything wrong, and something good comes out of it. Life is nuts.

So, what can you do about it?

  • Take responsibility for your own words and actions. Because they still matter.
  • 告诉自己,“我会没事的”,这是一个意思。
  • Take daily action to prove yourself right.
  • Find ways to help someone else get through a difficult time.
  • Find your favorite reasons to keep trying from the list below.

Will Everything Be Okay? 75 Reasons You’ve Got This

We rounded up 75 reasons to tell yourself everything will be okay, even when everything in your life feels wrong.

You don’t have to be positive all the time for these to work.

Just be open to different perspectives and willing to try something new.

1. It has to be. Or it has to be okay enough to keep trying to make things better — for you and someone else.

2. You’re stronger and more capable than you realize.


4. Whether you’re okay or not okay largely depends on your thinking. You have more power than you’ve used up to this point.

5. You’ve made it this far for a reason. You don’t have to know the reason yet.

6. There’s always more to learn.

7. You can breathe. Sometimes,all you needto keep going is to take a breath and to feel yourself taking it.

8. Everything will be okay because you and others like you will make sure of it. You’ll do everything you can to leave the world better than you found it.

9. You’re not alone. Even if you don’t see your team working alongside you, you’re not working alone. If your cause is just, trust that others have taken it on, too.

10. Whatever you do, small as it seems to you, matters to someone. The way you treat people has long-term cumulative effects. You are the snowball. Start rolling.

11. You don’t need someone else to give you serenity. If you want it, it’s yours already. Claim it. And show the world (and yourself) how it’s done.

12.“我们必须放手of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.” ― Joseph Campbell

13. You still have some risks to take to make your life what you want it to be. Don’t be afraid of failure; be afraid of standing still.

14. “Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.” ― David Richo





19. More families consciously affirm and support their child’s gender andsexualidentity instead of imposing one on them.

20. People are openly questioning beliefs they’d adopted to please other people — and are now working on growing into the people they want to be.

21. You are resilient — and no doubt far more resilient than you realize.

22. You have a knack for seeing the good in others and for finding the open window when a door closes in your face. And you attract those who do the same. Or they learn that from watching you.

23. You can do hard things. And you make yourself do hard things every day. It’s almost your love language.

24. “Discovering thetruth about ourselvesis a lifetime’s work, but it’s worth the effort.” ― Fred Rogers

25. Freshly baked bread still smells like fresh-baked bread.

26. It’s still possible to find friends who genuinely want to know how you are.

27. The people whodon’t关心您对成长能力的影响为零。

28.“您可能会遇到许多失败,但一定不能被击败。实际上,可能有必要遇到失败,因此您可以知道自己是谁,可以从中崛起,如何仍然可以从中出来。”- 玛雅·安杰卢(Maya Angelou)

29.You are enoughjust as you are. You don’t need to be half of a couple to be a complete and lovable person.

30.什么都没有永远持续下去 - 甚至是坏事。

31.“通常,当你认为你som的末尾ething, you’re at the beginning of something else.” ― Fred Rogers

32. You know how important self-care is, and you’re not afraid to make room for it. What can you do for yourself today?


34.即使没有人出现,你可以still show up for yourself. You can still show yourself you’re worth the trouble, worth forgiving, and worth taking risks for.

35. The people who challenge you can help you grow into someone you genuinely like.

36. All you need to focus on right now is doing the next right thing. Don’t worry about what it might lead to or whether it will be enough.



39. Because some things can still make you smile. Think of one as you take your next step.

40. People still offer random acts of kindness toward strangers, just because.


42. The next step isn’t always forward. Sometimes you have to backtrack or take a detour to find the path you need.

43. Sometimes, all you need is a little something to shake up your routine. And sometimes, you just need a different routine.


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44. You’ll feel better on the other side of that thing you’ve been avoiding.

45. You don’t need easy. And you don’t need perfect. You just need to pick one idea and focus your time and energy on that. And you’ll make mistakes. Learn from them.

46. If your glass is half-full, being happy is not about using a smaller glass. It’s about making the most of every drop.

47. Hoarding good things, even if you’re “strategic” about it, is a surefire way to make sure you waste time and space. Let it go, lighten yourself, and live.

48. Time doesn’t heal all wounds. But you don’t need to be 100% healed and whole to be a force for good in this world.


50. Sometimes, all you can do is keep your head above water. Other times you might float effortlessly as the waves roll in. Never assume you’ll always struggle or always find it easy. Just keep trying.

51. You’ve got 99 problems, and quitting when things get real isn’t one of them.

52. You don’t need what you can’t have. Don’t worry about whether you’ll never have it. All you’ve got to deal with is now. Make it count.

53. You don’t needthe fear of punishment to treat people the way you want to be treated.

54. No religion has a monopoly on people who do good in the world.

55. Sometimes, all you can do is make your bed, brush your teeth, and dress like the world is watching.

56. You didn’t wake up this morning to just exist. And you don’t have to be a paragon of productivity to make this day worth waking up for.

57. It’s okay to feel what you’re feeling right now, even if no one else understands — even ifyoudon’t.


59.您有权捍卫自己的个人界限,即使您周围没有人尊重他们 -especially如果您周围没有人尊重他们。


61. No one feels beautiful or successful, or lovable all the time. No one needs to, either.

62. You don’t have to find the silver lining in everything. You’re allowed to feel hurt, disappointed, angry, or sad without trying to put a positive spin on it.


64. Even when you admit your mistakes and道歉to those you’ve hurt, some will refuse to forgive. Your growth can’t depend on what other people think of you.

65. Your happiness cannot depend on whether the people you care about love you back. Some of them won’t. And none of them can make up for self-loathing.

66. You can look for people who make the best of any situation and learn from them wherever you are.


68. Sometimes, self-care is seeing someone as they are and showing them love.

69. Sometimes, self-care isa good book和一部沉默的电话。



72. Don’t dwell on the sins of the past. Learn from them, and keep trying to do better. That’s all anyone has a right to expect — of you or of themselves.


74.你会的总是be the odd one out in some circles. That’s okay. Focus on being someoneyoucan be proud of. No one else will see you through your lens.

75. Only the dead live in the past. You still have some living to do. Get on that.

Now that you’ve looked through all 75 statements on why everything will be okay — or okay足够的— we hope you picked out some favorites to remember.

Some would make great journaling prompts (just saying).

And some might be justwhat someone you love needs to hear today.