All Empaths Aren’t The Same: 9 Types Of Empath Personalities

你大致知道成为什么意思an empath- 感受别人的感受。

But did you know there are several different types of empaths?


我们不是在这里比较一个empath’s abilitiesto another’s as if they’re in competition.






  • Sensitivity to loud noises and crowded or chaotic environments;
  • 对刮擦织物,脚趾接缝,泡沫聚苯乙烯的声音和其他感觉的敏感性,大多数人只会发现有些烦人。
  • 对电影和电视节目中角色之间的戏剧性的情感反应;
  • 即使您进入房间,对房间中普遍的心情的敏感性;
  • 对咖啡因和其他兴奋剂以及酒精等的敏感性;
  • Sensitivity to strong smells or flavors;
  • 不需要告诉他人的事物倾向。

移情也不必有意识地做到这一点。但是,通常,他们越了解他们empathic ability, how it works, and how it can affect them, the better off they tend to be.



This is the most common type of empath, and, as you’ll see further down, this can be the foundational layer for a multi-level empath.



The stronger the connection (even if it’s one-sided, as in relationships with narcissists), the more this empath soaks up — like a sponge.




  • You’re great at listening (when you’re not feeling overwhelmed);
  • You can more easily determine how to put others at ease;
  • 您可以学习应对技巧,然后可以与他人分享;
  • 你注意到的东西可能会打扰到其他高ensitive people;
  • 您更有动力确保每个人都感到欢迎和包括。

2.直观的移情 / claircogntizant移人

While emotional empaths pick up on what those around them are feeling, the intuitive empath can also sense what’s going on这些感觉的背后.


Unfortunately, if you’re anintuitive empath而且,您“与您的直觉”“与您的肠道”“与您的直觉较低的人”不了解,您可以期待一些批评。


It’s up to you to decide whether to trust your intuition or put it aside to please others. The more you choose to rely on your intuition, the stronger it becomes.

Now, let’s talk about gifts:

  • You’re more likely to choose a meaningful career;
  • You surround yourself with positive things (as a coping skill);
  • You have a gift for restoring peace and harmony between others;
  • 您不会急于做出重要的决定(除非您也冲动);
  • You’re better at detecting dishonesty in others;
  • 您无需进行有意识的,特定于细节的分析而无需进行非语言线索

3. Physical Empath / Medical Empath

身体(或“医学”)的移情可以抓住他人的身体症状 - 诸如头痛,胃痛,冷或过热,发痒等的感觉等。



更容易接受并度过痛苦时n you know the reason for it.



  • 感觉与您的身体配合,并意识到不满意的需求;
  • Intuitive leaning toward foods and beverages that provide what your body needs;
  • 倾向于改变您的生活方式以改善您的整体健康状况;
  • 能够感知他人身体不适的能力,因此您可以采取补救措施;
  • 能够感知某人的身体症状是否与情绪有关。

4.植物移情 /植物志交通理



You might even say something like, “Sshh! They can hear you.”

You know plants thrive like humans do when they feel not only safe but valued. You talk to your plants lovingly and never neglect them. The very idea of settling for an artificial plant repulses you; it’s an affront to your connection with these quiet but powerful beings.

Let’s look at some of the gifts:

  • 您会感到直接与植物的亲和力,并特别照顾那些托付给您的植物;
  • 您毫不怀疑特定的植物选择了you而不是反面;
  • You attribute detailed personalities to each plant based on what they “tell” you;
  • You tend to be far less stressed, thanks to the peaceful influence of your plant familiars;
  • 由于您的爱心和关注,您的植物往往会繁衍生息和盛开的植物。

5.动物同理心 /动物情节同理心

If you feel more of an empathic affinity toward animals than toward human people, and you’re a passionate advocate for animal rights, you may be an animal empath.



It’s not your fault they didn’t notice what was happening right in front of them. But you also recognize not everyone feels what you do.

So, what gifts go with this type of empathy:

  • 与动物的快速和温暖的联系(您只是得到他们,反之亦然);
  • 始终至少有一只宠物或动物熟悉的趋势;
  • 对世界被拒绝或(甚至更糟的)虐待的动物的特殊爱;
  • A telepathic connection with your pets/familiars and understanding of their needs;
  • 辨别动物疾病并为其找到最佳治疗方法的礼物。






An earth empath can also be a vibrational empath, meaning they sense vibrations in their environment — in this case from the earth and the atmosphere — and can learn to interpret those connected with earthquakes, forest fires, storm fronts and other dangers.

Earth empaths enjoy gifts like the following:

  • Feeling in tune with the earth and with the natural world;
  • Intuiting what the earth needs and what you can do to meet those needs;
  • Tendency to take action to protect the natural world and fight for it;
  • Intuiting what’s at stake — for all living — the more we abuse the earth we live on;
  • 即将发生的地震,震颤和其他自然灾害的直观感。

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Dream empaths who take their gifts seriously are also more likely to see those gifts develop into something more.



  • 梦想经历给您留下深刻印象的经历;
  • 梦见对你留下印象的人的倾向;
  • 直观地掌握那些梦想的人或经历;
  • Deepened understanding of why certain people stay on your mind longer;
  • Deepened understanding of the significance of a particular experience (however painful).

8. Telepathic Empath


The first time you perceive another’s thoughts, it can feel overwhelming — especially if you confirm that the other person did indeedthose thoughts.


When you paraphrase their words to better reflect what you believe they’re trying to say — as an editor or as an active listener — they react with “How did you do that? How did you knowexactlywhat I was trying to say?”


  • You make a great listener because those who confide in you feel heard;
  • 你经常感觉到with a touch what someone is thinking;
  • You can often articulate other people’s thoughts better than they can;
  • 您可以感觉到某人在不问或评估他们的肢体语言的情况下在想什么;
  • 你经常感觉到什么时候someone in the room is thinking of you.

9. heyoka善解人意

也许最稀有的移情类型是Heyoka移情。来自Lakota或Dakota美国原住民方言的“ Heyoka”这个名字的意思是“神圣的小丑”或“精神上的傻瓜”。


For example, think of someone who is trying to convince others they have a deep “connection to the divine” when, in reality, they’re putting on a show to persuade others to finance their lifestyle as a sought-after “guru” or spiritual guide.



Let’s wrap up with some of their tell-tale gifts:

  • 倾向于反映他人的精神状态,向他们展示他们没有看到的东西;
  • 能够透露一个人的动机本质的表现;
  • 偏爱帮助和治愈人们,而不是判断或谴责他们;
  • 能够为别人的利益扮演傻瓜而不必担心别人会想什么;
  • 倾向于优先考虑个人成长和学习的倾向,而不是认可其礼物。

Can You Be More Than One Type of Empath?


The more you honor your intuition, the more likely you are to access other types of empathic connections.

Your gifts can manifest in even rarer ways — as a psychic/medium empath or a moonlight empath, to name a few examples. Moonlight empaths have a special connection to the moon and a gift for intuiting the effects of the moon’s phases and positions on people, including themselves.


Now that you’re better acquainted with the different types of empaths described here, we hope you found something that will help you appreciate your ownunique gifts.


May your curiosity and effort enrich your life and those of the people you love.



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