You’re Sure To Recognize These 9 Ways Narcissists Treat Their Exes

You just broke up with a自恋



Today, we’re unpackinghow narcissists treat their exes帮助您为接下来的事情做准备


心理研究人员已经确定了几个自恋者类型, but they all have similar traits.




Talking trash about ex-partners to gain pity and sympathy is common.

Plus, they use cautionary tales about their “horrible” exes to groom new partners.Narcissists will bad-mouthformer lovers to illustrate how not to act.


Do narcissists love and miss their ex?

Heck no! As a general rule, narcissists don’t miss or love their exes — but they’ll work hard to convince you that they do.

Ultimately, people with NPD are incapable of genuinely missing anybody. They don’t know how. Their brains don’t work that way. What they do miss is lording control over you.


许多自恋者的蛇back to ex-lovers


couple fighting in the car how narcissists treat their exes


自恋者为什么要成为friends with an ex?

自恋者为什么要成为friends with an ex?保持门打开intimacy is a top priority for starters.

Like a stalking cat, they’ll wait till you’re vulnerable and then pounce.

Secondly,自恋者喜欢保持控制over their former partners. They get off on gaslighting and triangulation.



NPD患者费用——他们更不理想kin to hungry, rabid monsters. Instead of saying sayonara and parting ways, they dig their nails in, beat their chests, and whip up a cauldron of lies.

In many ways, their behavior is an emotional continuation of the relationship. Wielding control, protecting their fragile egos, and eliciting sympathy from unsuspecting parties still top their agendas.

So what can you expect? Let’s dive in.

1。Emotional Manipulation

如果您用自恋者将其分解,请准备一系列的情感操纵以降落在您家门口。您的NPD EX将竭尽所能,以切断开放的不安全感并利用弱点。通常,他们会触发主题以引起您的兴起。是的,他们会公开和私下做。

Destruction is their goal, and they operate like sledgehammers. Even if you cut them off completely, it may take a couple of months for them to move on.



他们将继续发短信,电子邮件,呼叫和轰炸您的社交媒体页面。不要分解并回应。那就是他们想要的。取而代之的是,让“封锁快乐” - 并告诉您的朋友和家人也这样做!这是一个幽灵聪明的实例。


What are you going to do without me? You’ll never find someone as good as me. You need me to protect you!


  1. Eroding your self-esteem
  2. 加强他们的自我


couple fighting in the bedroom how narcissists treat their exes


We’re not suggesting you put up with it, but centering that fact may keep you from internalizing their barbs and behavior.


Why do a lot of people stay in与自恋者的关系?Reasons abound, not the least of which is mind-blowing sex. Theories exist as to why this is, but it’s all speculation.

Regardless of the whys, they frequently use their sexual prowess as amanipulation tool分手后。目标是吸引您回到他们的网络。

Please do your best to stand tall against their advances!. Don’t reopen the door to their destructive games!

5. The Blame Game

“看看你让我做的事情”是施虐者和自恋者中的常见咒语。这种怯ward的哭声使他们的罪魁祸首平静,并恢复了内在平衡感 - 因为内gui就像k的kyptonite对NPD大脑一样。

Their maniacal aversion to shame and embarrassment means they’ll blame you for the separation — no matter the circumstances. You may have catered to their every whim and prioritized their feelings. Heck, they may have initiated the breakup!

And yet, you’ll be the scapegoat. Blame for the relationship’s end will fall squarely on your shoulders.

Oh, and guess what? Most narcissists will blast their vitriol around town — online and off. Committed ones may even worm-tongue their way into your family members’ ears.

你所能做的就是庸医了。你的朋友和family won’t believe them. And folks who give credence to malicious gossip likely aren’t worth your time.

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6. Reputation Smearing

Why do narcissists talk about their exes? Because they love tearing other people to shreds. It boosts their confidence and staves off feelings of inadequacy. So expect them to go for the jugular when you split.


Thankfully, this lashing-out phase typically doesn’t last forever. Before long, they either switch tactics or become preoccupied with someone else.



First off, don’t let an ounce of shame invade. It’s perfectly acceptable for consenting adults to sculpt their sex lives in any way they see fit. However, if you want to avoid the headache, try gathering all the materials before pulling the relationship’s plug.

Otherwise, there’s a 99% chance the narcissist will hold this sword over your head. The good news is that most never follow through with their threats.


8. False Promises

When they’re done throwing tantrums and tossing around threats, narcissists often do an about-face and start down the path of false promises.


girl sad over relationship how narcissists treat their exes


9. Charm Overload

Yes, people with NPD can be mean, vindictive, childish, and oppressively arrogant — but they can also charm the pants off people. Isn’t that part of what attracted you in the first place?



If you need support getting through the storm, look for an NPD survival group online. They can be a huge help.

Good luck!

Your relationship with a narcissist could leave a bad effect on you. See how narcissists treat their exes in this post.

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