How to Instantly Put Your Life and Problems Into Perspective

If you are anything like me, you have a handful of life difficulties or minor problems lurking in your brain at any given point in time.

They can be minor irritants like computer problems or taxes due. And then we have the biggies like coping with ailing parents, issues with our children, marriage problems, or job loss.

Most of the time we spend far more brain energyworryingabout the issue than we do actually suffering with the reality of it.

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How to Put Your Negative Thought Committee to Work for You

嘉宾詹妮弗·Boykin ofLife After Tampons

So, this year is turning out to be a dream year for me. And, of course,only Icould make that a bad thing.

Here’s how:

In February, I launched my dream business. I’m finally giving myself the gift of doing work that matters. My project is going really, really well.

In fact, my work was noticed by someone “big,” and now I’m part of an incredible mastermind group of kick-ass entrepreneurs all creating game changing businesses.

And that’s where the trouble really began.

A few weeks ago, I went to meet my team in New York for the first time. As you’d expect, they are all amazing people. I kept pinching myself that I was even allowed to be there. (Hear the insecurity already creeping in?)

I learned a lot and, by the time the weekend was over, I wason fireto do my work.

But then . . .

. . . I came home.

And, waiting for me in my office was my entire Itty Bitty Shitty Committee (IBSC) — otherwise known as the “voices in my head.”

My IBSC has been with me a long time. So long, in fact, that I have to replay theirnegativity messageson 8-track cassettes.

My IBSC tells me I’m . . .

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25 Ways to Become the Best Version of Yourself


Is it possible to be happy with yourself right now and still want to change your life?

Can you be content and evolving at the same time?

I believe you can.

In fact, I think this is a powerful balance we should strive for every day — the balance between happiness in the moment and action toward the best version of ourselves.

Leo Babauta of Zen Habits recently wrote abeautiful poston contentedness.

He suggests that you don’t need to wait for change, for something better, for the future, before you are content. You can be content right now if you choose to see all of the good and beauty around you.

I know this is true. I know we experience life right now, in this moment. This moment is our only reality. If right now is spent longing for some vision of the future, we haven’t truly lived and enjoyed the blessings of right now.

Longing and struggling against “what is” causes suffering. Wishing for more, for something different, for something better at the expense of contentment in the moment robs us of life.

However, as someone who is a seeker and has spent most of my life intrigued by personal development, I have a vision of the best version of myself. I know that inner and outer change, evolution, and transformation will happen to me whether or not I define how that will happen.

But I know thatI candefine how that will happen. I have that personal power, and I’d much rather be thecreatorof my life rather than a reactor to it.

So how does one be a creator and be content at the same time? How do you become the best version of yourself while loving yourself just as you are?

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Are You Addicted?

stressed out

This is not a post about substance abuse.

这是一篇关于你做的小事情y day that pull you away from what you really want for yourself.

It is about addiction to habits and behaviors that suck time away from us without adding much back to our lives or our souls. And often we hide our eyes from these addictions.

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Who’s Holding Your Feet to the Fire? The Power of Intentional Accountability

Before I became a coach, I didn’t know much about coaching.

I’d heard the term “life coach” tossed around, but I didn’t understand why people needed to be coached in their lives. Why would I need someone else telling me to do what I already know I should be doing?

(Now I know that coaching has nothing to do with being told what to do.)

If the coaching profession could be distilled to the single most valuable tool for clients, it would be accountability.

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Make Your Vision a Reality with a Theme for the Month

In my previous post, I wrote about how essential it is to create a life vision for yourself and gave you an exercise for writing your own life vision.

Often when I do this exercise with coaching clients, after they have written their vision, they begin to panic. They have just written this detailed vision for their life, but it looks very little like the life they have right now.

Their unspoken (or sometimes spoken) fear is, “How on Earth am I going to make all of this happen?”

When you create a vision that incorporates every aspect of your life and involves hundreds of actions and changes, not to mention facing some fears and self-doubt, it can be a bit daunting. How on Earth does one make all of this happen?

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