
If it seems that life has no purpose,而且您正在遇到生存危机,世界似乎很黯淡。


Maybe you’re not quite so philosophical, but you seem to lack a guiding principle for your life. You find yourself thinking, “My life has no purpose, and I don’t know why I’m doing what I’m doing.”



Living up to your potential?

Going in the right direction?

These questions feel impossible to answer when you have no idea what drives you and haveno purposeguiding your next move.



他们反应地生活, rather than doing the work to find their “raison d’être” — or reason for being.

But just because others settle for having no purpose doesn’t mean you should. It’s well worth the effort to seek it out.

寻找和生活purpose in lifewill:

  • Increase your well-being and overall happiness.
  • 帮助您维持更健康的生活并增加寿命。
  • Support emotional stability, according to研究.
  • 加强您的人际关系。
  • Reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s disease, according to a2010年研究.



这些简单的步骤会让你清晰和action so you no longer feel your life has no purpose.

1. Define Your “Why”

If your worldview includes the idea that humans have a responsibility to be good stewards of our planet, our communities, and our relationships, then the生活问题begs your attention.

You are driven toward life purpose by the very nature of this higher responsibility.


You can start uncovering your life purpose by finding out the “why” behind your career and life decisions. Based on your worldview, your faith, or你的精神, what is deeply important and valuable to you? How can you act on these things?


Start by asking yourself these questions about your life right now:

  • Why are you working in this particular profession or job?
  • Why did you choose your spouse, partner, and friends?
  • 您是如何发展政治和精神信仰的?
  • Why have you chosen the lifestyle you’re living?

If your answers reflect a lack of intentionality and free will, then your choices may not be sustainable. They don’t reflect an authentic, deeply-considered reason, grounded in your values, your sense of self, your integrity, and the legacy you want to leave the world.


  • 什么kind of persondo you want to be? Describe the most important characteristics of this person.
  • 什么core valuesdo you wantyour work and life to reflect and support?
  • 您拥有什么能力和技能that you find meaningful and fulfilling?
  • 什么parts of your personalityand your belief system do you want nurtured and supported in your job and elsewhere?
  • 什么deeply moves you,启发您或激励您采取行动?
  • Who inspires you您想模仿谁的生活?
  • How can improve the world某种程度上来说?什么legacy do you want to leave?
  • How are you are living outside of your integrityin your work or life? What can you do to restore your integrity?

3. Step Out of Your Bubble

Often we miss our life purpose because we’re trapped in the comfortable bubble day-to-day existence.

For the most part, our lives are relatively easy. We have enough food to eat, a roof over our heads, enough money to pay the bills, and generally good health.


To find your purpose, you may need to embrace the discomfort of this suffering.You have to seek it out, allow it to touch your heart, and find a way to respond to it.




什么has touched your own family or community that might become a purpose-driven endeavor for you?

4. Do Your Research

Your answers to the questions above can give you clarity on what your life purpose might be. You will likely find some commonalities in your answers.

  • 您可能会与启发您的人共享核心价值观。
  • 您最有意义的技能和才能可能正是支持您的“原因”所需的。
  • 揭示您的价值可以完善最重要的东西以及您应该在何处投入精力。


For example, core values of creativity and helping others improve their lives can work well with skills of communicating, writing, and listening.


You may want to find careers that match your purpose或您认为您的目的可能是什么。


For example, maybe you are passionate about playing the guitar, but you also want to help people cope with depression. Perhaps you use your passion for the guitar in a therapeutic way to help ease depression in others.


如果您需要帮助找到与您的技能和经验相匹配的有意义的职位,请查看任务驱动的公司that are changing the world.

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6. Experiment Before You Commit

If you want to make sure you feel comfortable about the purposeful work you’ve uncovered, experiment with it before you commit. You can always volunteer, take on a side gig, or shadow someone working in the profession.

You might explore a variety of career options before settling on one that feels like the best fit. Allow yourself time for this experimentation and on-the-ground research.

If you take the time to find meaningful work, don’t settle for something that doesn’t make you want to get out of bed in the morning.

志愿比赛is a great organization matching people to a wide variety of volunteer opportunities. You can also find a wide variety of volunteer opportunities in your own community through the United Way and other non-profit organizations.


Your work is just one area to tackle when you have no purpose in life. Your personal life is ripe for opportunities to find meaning and fulfillment.

您的所有关系,尤其是您的爱情关系 - 都应有意考虑和行动。

  • 您想成为配偶,伴侣,朋友,儿子,女儿或工作伙伴谁?
  • 您希望在每个关系中取得什么成就?

Perhaps your purpose is to raise happy, stable, resilient, and compassionate children. Or you may feel called to be a mentor to your friends or those with whom you work.



When you better understand your purpose in life, write down some specific next steps for your personal and professional circumstances.

These steps may seem random and unrelated at first. You may want to begin in the areas where you feel the most suffering or confusion. Your first steps may be looking for a new job, finding a volunteer opportunity, ordefining goals for your marriage.

A purpose doesn’t come to life until you put it into action and commit to it every day. The more you work toward living your purpose, the more purposeful and fulfilled you’ll feel.


9. Ponder Your Legacy



您的生活目的不是您生命的尽头。这是您现在和现在生活的东西。你一直在创造自己的生活in response to your evolving awareness of who you are and how you wish to serve the world with what you’ve been given.

If your life has no purpose, make it your primary goal to figure it out. The search itself will give you a sense of hope, control, and confidence about the direction you are taking.

A purpose infuses your life with something we all deeply long for – meaning. At the end of the day, we want to feel our time on Earth has made a difference.

When you are doing something you love that makes even a small difference in the world, happiness is inevitable.