

您会发现自己在几年后这样说失败的关系, 相继。

But this is the man for you, and you don’t want to screw it up.



What Is a Turn-Off?

A turn-off is hard to describe for most people, but generally, it’s that lack of connection, the feeling in a guy’s stomach that’s so intense he ends the relationship.

Typically, this feeling stretches from some kind of action – a behavior their partner does frequently.

These things that turn guys off might seem normal and reasonable to you, but timing and balance are everything.

让我们清楚一点,您需要在坚定的关系, but some things that you are doing may need to change.




当然,世界并不完美,也不是guy you’re dating, but try to focus on the positive. Constant complaining about things a guy does or where you end up for dinner will leave him with anegative viewof being around you.








Let’s be clear that it’s not all about sex, but it is one of those things guys love to talk about, and think about, constantly.

But, when you are always the one initiating it to keep him interested, it takes the excitement away. Take a few days off and let him pursue you.

6. Giving Advice Instead of Listening

When a guy has a problem he wants to talk about, he really wants you to listen. Don’t be so quick to tell him what you would do – giving off the vibe that you’re better than him. Allow him the space to talk it through. If he wants advice, he’ll ask.

7. Telling Long Stories without a Pause

特别是在关系开始时,它可能很诱人通过交谈来保持对话关于故事的每个细节。这种单方面的对话是对男人的大规模关闭。您的男人可能只是开始考虑90英里 /小时的生活中的所有其他事情。


Autonomy is essential in any relationship, especially when it’s new. Guys need some time to unwind without you around all the time. Too much time together will backfire at some point and leave your guy looking for a place to get away.



This is something that you discuss more in-depth once you’re committed. Saying “my way or the highway” right from the beginning may just have that effect.


Being spontaneous is极具吸引力to guys. Being stuck in a routine and planning every moment is boring and predictable. You don’t have to go to bed right at nine every night. Let yourself be free from your own rules from time to time and have一起玩得开心


Lies drive a knife through a relationship, no matter how small they are, time and time again. Be honest about your feelings and opinions.

It’s better to be honest and have a hard conversation with a guy than have him find out you were lying to him. Honest conversations usually strengthen relationships.


Don’t start drilling your guy about his day and everything he thinks about to show care and support. Insert yourself into the conversation and blend that with questions. It’s not all about him, and it’s not all about you.


Chill out from time to time. Don’t create a rigid social and events calendar for the two of you. Allow space to just be together with nothing to do.




15. Not Being Willing to “Go with the Flow”


Be willing to make space when he has a hard day at work or is not feeling well. Forcing what you have committed to will not start the night off well.

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40 Indisputable Turn-Ons For Women And Men




This is a big one. A guy needs to know that you are into being with just him. Plan a fun trip for just the two of you or give a spontaneous present to him. Be fun. If you leave him wondering if you like him or not, he may go packing before taking the time to talk about it.


Guys define themselves by what they like to do. Support this. If, let’s say your guy is into basketball and you’ve always hated team sports, you don’t have to tell him that every time he mentions it.

Grab a ball on a nice day and go down to the park; let him show you how to play and enjoyspending time一起。

18. Telling Stories Through Your Phone

不要比您的手机更多地进入恋爱关系。如果您讲述的每个故事都涉及举起其他人的照片social media或您去过某个地方的旅行,您的家伙会认为他不是您生活的重要组成部分。您可以谈论这些事情,而无需向他展示每个细节的照片。


一个人一直在收到你的来信是霸道的 - 他会感觉就像是您检查他或试图控制他。

Give your phone a rest, or text someone else. Let there be some space in the day between messages, and watch how he reaches out for you.







Think for a few minutes after you’ve read this list of the biggest turn-offs for men.

Are you doing any of these things? What would it be like to let go of them?

Now that this common list of turn-offs for guys is in your awareness, you have the power to make a change.

If your relationship is worth it, take the time to consider what you could do or not do to make sure it continues to bloom.