
A big part of living more mindfully is practicingawareness你的心情。

It might seem like extra work, but a printable mood tracker can make a huge difference.

Being mindful of your moods and how they affect you is essential to living the life you want.

这不仅仅是检查物品daily to-do list

That said, finding the best mood tracker printable for you can be a challenge.


A mood tracker makes it easy to create a visual representation of your moods from day to day, week to week, and month to month, depending on the style you choose.

Most include a color key you can fill out to assign specific colors to particular moods.

As you’ll see from the 15 examples listed below, those details still provide plenty of room for creativity.


跟踪一个月(及以后)的心情更加了解您的心情emotional triggersand other factors that can influence your mood, including the following:

  • 心理健康挑战
  • 身体健康
  • Hormones
  • Work environment
  • The lunar cycle
  • 天气和气候

The more consistent you are with your daily mood-tracking, the more mindful andself-aware you become, which is enough of a reason to give this practice a try.

How to Use Mood Tracker Templates

When you look through the list of options further down, we hope you’ll find a mood tracker that fits your life and your personality–whether that’s a digital template or a daily mood tracker printable pdf.

Once you’ve picked something you’ll find easy to use (to help you build the habit), how do you make the best use of it?

  • 使“日常计划委员会”或便携式规划师/期刊;
  • Use tools that motivate you or make it easy to add something every day;
  • 选择奖励以每天跟踪您的心情一个月;
  • 跟踪您的情绪变化以及它们与特定因素的相关性;
  • 如果您错过了一天或几个,则无判断。尽快恢复正轨;
  • 随时尝试使用新的每月情绪跟踪器模板/可打印来混合它。

15 Free Mood Tracker Printables You’ll Love

Sometimes, just seeing a cute mood tracker printable on your wall is enough to give you a bit of a lift — or, at least, to remind you to check-in with yourself as you go about your day.

Some of the options listed here will appeal to you more than others. Make a note of the ones that draw you in.


Fill in the color code key at the top of the page using the colors you choose for particular moods (e.g., blue for sad, orange for adventurous, yellow for cheerful, etc.). Then color each day’s square with the color that best indicates your overall mood.




2. Rain Cloud Mood Tracker


PDF有A5尺寸(5.875 x 8.25英寸)。





您还可以在底部上色表情符号,以创建钥匙,并在顶部使用“总体”键来获得颜色梯度。添加descriptive words为了更加清晰。




This mood tracker is customizable, so if you’re not starting from January, you can change the months to fit your situation before printing it out.




5. Mandala Mood & Gratitude Tracker


There are mandala designs at two corners, which you can color in for缓解压力or just to make your mood tracker more visually appealing. Print outmultiple copies and color the corner designs differently for different months.


6. Four-Month Mood Tracker


Click on the “Customize & Print” button to choose from various sizes and styles, customize your title (change the words, font, or size), and add more text or images.

Four-Month Mood Tracker 


7. Weekly Mood Tracker

This weekly tracker provides more than one daily space to color in, so you can track your moods throughout the day and throughout the week, which makes it easier to identify the hours and activities that correlate with more positive or negative moods.





使用这个简单的年度跟踪概述of how your moods change (or don’t) over 12 months.





Print this monthly mood tracker on letter-size paper to put on the wall or in a binder. Or print out on sticker paper and add your own colors to create mood-appropriate stickers for your bullet journal or other planner.

The key is designed to log up to eight different moods, but you can add squares to expand the range of emotions.



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10. Free Mood Tracker Printables for Your Bullet Journal

The mandala flower design above is just one example. Choose from various mood tracker themes to print out and fill in with the colors of your choice.

And with the inspiration these can provide, you might even get some design ideas for your own themed mood tracker printables. Set six moods, or color each circle halfway to set up to twelve.

10. Free Mood Tracker Printables for Your Bullet Journal 


11。Mandala Monthly Mood Tracker PDF

This mandala-themed mood tracker also comes in a smaller version to use with your bullet journal (BUJO). Color the edges at the end of the month using the most-used mood colors.

或根据您选择的颜色,基于心情或艺术偏好,在开始时使用您选择的颜色。每天都有两个正方形可以填充 - 一个时间为AM小时,一个用于PM。

11。Mandala Monthly Mood Tracker PDF 


12. Printable Mood Tracker (Markers in a Mug design)



12. Printable Mood Tracker (Markers in a Mug design) 


13. Mood Tracker Printables to Add to Your Planner

此网站的情绪跟踪器可打印物有大小,以适合从迷你到大的所有山姆语计划者选项。一个页面具有您的心情的颜色钥匙(以及音符的空间),另一页的颜色键则具有本月的心情跟踪器。打印出所需的大小的页面,并轻松修剪它们以适合计划器,杂志, or notebook.

13. Mood Tracker Printables to Add to Your Planner



这次日常情绪追踪器为您提供七个主题可供选择 - “经典”,“复古”,“中性”,“老式”,“蕾丝”,“嬉皮”和“花园”,以及免费的全彩色情感图表。每个页面都为探索全天影响您心情的事物提供了足够的空间,以及跟踪第二天的习惯和计划。



15.花盆情绪追踪器 - 免费的可打印物以及贴纸

该跟踪器在页面的一半(A4大小)上打印,因此它足够小,可以适合您的子弹日记。它也有字母大小(8.5英寸x 11')。使用钥匙中设置的情绪颜色在每天的花盆中颜色。在贴纸上打印出贴纸以切出并用作日记或计划者的心情色点缀。

15. Flower Pots Mood Tracker -- Free Printables Plus Stickers 

